You were born – like all of us – into a world full of pain, fear, deprivation and suffering.
This world is full of illusions – no matter how „realistic“ they may seem to you right now. It’s a world you’re still believing to be real because you wanted to make that kind of experience and haven’t given up yet.
But the new reality is different. The more you open yourself up to it, the more you will realize that you don’t have to live in your self-created golden cage, nor in situations of personal hell any longer. You will realize that stress, pressure, illness or want of funds do not have to be part of your world. And you will realize that there are so many more possibilities for you. To really live the life that your heart is secretly – or already very obviously – longing for.
I am here to open doors to your personal PARADISE ON EARTH and to show you the way to get there. You are here to embark on the journey into a new era: the era of love! And it is the era of joy, happiness and peace, which can be experienced on this very planet!
The new era will reveal something new to you: INFINITY. In your consciousness, in your life, in your daily life & in your abundance.
The simple truth is: On this earth, you are incarnated as a divine human being. And, therefore, you have access to the divine consciousness at any time.
Your soul has a certain task on this planet, which serves the all-embracing divine order.
As a human being you are allowed to leave your programmed characteristics behind to create space for the divine wisdom inside of you. If you practice your creational powers regularly, your life will change from mediocre to extraordinary.
To step into your new life, which will feel like an everyday-vacation, a dream life or even like paradise, it is necessary to follow a certain path: THE WAY OF YOUR SOUL. Your soul is connected to the divine consciousness and leads the way into this life.
It actually means that your powerful mind must step back, if you don’t know how to tame it. In the past, your mind was occupied by DUALITY – the teaching of the two-ness. Your mind is trained to devalue, categorize, analyze everything and everyone, and based on that, programmed to trigger all kinds of feelings and emotions that keep you in certain inner states. These patterns make you stay put, even though you want to flourish. These patterns also ensure that you always feel separate from the divine power – and thus permanently doubt yourself, don’t trust your intuition and do things that will keep you down.
Because YOU are important -
otherwise you would not be on this beautiful planet at the time of great conscious change.
In order for you to not only „understand“, but also feel and embody in all the cells of your body, my work is designed to be effective WITHOUT ACTIVATING YOUR MIND. This happens for a very simple reason: Finding your subconscious truth, which is in harmony with the divine is a very, very uplifting experience for you.
The truth is SUSTAINABLE TRANSFORMATION only works this way: from the inside.
I am the one who will feed you with high frequencies, energy & highly vibrational words, so that you actually do not have another chance but to have a CLOSER look at the inside of yourself. The higher reality is already here for you – you only need to access and allow it in your here & now and live it to the fullest.
Since every soul path is different, I invite you to have a look at all the different ways of working with me in my boutique.
Of course, there’s also the opportunity to book me directly if you can hear the calling.
You are pure energy and everything inside of you is vibrating. We accompany you with high frequencies to make you shine brightly.
You receive high light waves that expose the invisible inside of you and provide you with all you need to transform, which is happening very quickly.
Energetic Meditations and Energy Sessions
let you access inner transformation and lead you into your true vibrational frequency.
The sessions are suitable for your self-lead training. You can start at any time and proceed at your own pace.
In my programs I accompany you in a specific stage of your journey in a group of other beautiful souls.
All contents of the rooms are constantly adapted by me to new findings, quality of time and group: They consist of highly vibrational words, word alignments and affirmations, Energy Sessions, meditations and trainings. The programs take your “human-ness” with you on the journey – because your mind AND your body are joining this journey.
Your soul knows if and when you want to be accompanied by very high frequency: 1:1 – YOU & ME.
There are 1:1 options that include specific programs/groups. I also offer to go 1:1 with me a 100%. If you want to be soul-guided at this very high level, you will find some nice options in the boutique. Furthermore, we are happy to consult you in regards to which option provides you with the desired activation.
I hit rock bottom of my human life in April of 2017, as I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The day of the diagnosis, was the same one my soul mission was revealed. In my darkest hour, when I was full of fear of death and pain, a space of divinity opened up inside of me. The Divine itself spoke to me that night and reminded me of my powers and the purpose I have to fulfill on this planet.
I began to change everything in high speed: I quit my job, moved to another city, ended my partnership, broke off friendships, changed health and lifestyle habits. From Day One of my new life I took people with me on my journey and accompanied them on theirs. This intensive accompaniment in co-creation with others, as well as many clear and conscious decisions, led to a massive expansion of my perception and my energetic prowess in no time.
It means to see and feel immediately where a person needs an activation for the next step of divine experience.
All the information I need for my work I draw directly from the source, getting all the necessary answers. I don’t tell you who you are and what to do – you’ll figure it out yourself in my energy field. It doesn’t matter how well we „know“ each other as human beings or how long you’ve already been “dealing” with certain issues.
I hold up to multiple 6-digit unfoldment spaces for you and lead you very quickly, clearly and consciously into the next expansion of your soul on earth. You practice the energy of AURORA – the new beginning – in every moment. This way you experience yourself more and more in your true creation and as a divine being on this earth.
Allow yourself to be ready to receive everything that the source tells you – otherwise it will not open up to you.
The wisdom for your new beginning you draw from yourself – in all your purity. AURORA will become your new normal.
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With Love
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